My Inspire 1 contemplating it’s future as a “Legacy” drone!
I’ve been maintaining No Fly Drones in my spare time now for over 4 years now and in that time I’ve seen several iterations of drone regulation changes. I always try and keep up with them, review regulatory documentation, legislation and guidance in order to ensure my site is as useful and up to date as possible but also as a drone operator myself, I need to know the rules in an operational context. But in those 4 years I think the biggest change I have experienced is the EU Drone Regulations on the horizon. Flight Restriction Zones come in a close 2nd place though!
There are reams of documentation out there and I’ll be honest, I’m struggling to get my head around it all, so I’m using this blog to try and capture my thoughts and help sort out all this information into something I can digest a bit easier. It’s not intended to be a replacement for reading the actual rules but I hope it will help me (and anyone reading this) know where to look for the information/rules I’m interested in.
At the start, this blog may be quite active in terms of posts but once I’ve covered everything I don’t expect to be posting daily, weekly, or even monthly, just when something new gets published and I’ve had a chance to read it, I’ll update my thoughts and interpretations here.